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Virtual Reality - VR

Virtual Reality has become a great trend. Using VR for my design proposal was ideal as it provides enhanced experience for both the players. In this proposal project ,inside VR one of the players can interact in a 3D environment and interact with objects present there. 

Leap Motion Sensor

The Leap Motion controller is a small USB peripheral device which is designed to be placed on a physical desktop, facing upward. It can also be mounted onto a virtual reality headset. Using two monochromatic IR cameras and three infrared LEDs, the device observes a roughly hemispherical area, to a distance of about 1 meter. The LEDs generate pattern-less IR light[27] and the cameras generate almost 200 frames per second of reflected data.[28] This is then sent through a USB cable to the host computer, where it is analyzed by the Leap Motion software using "complex maths" in a way that has not been disclosed by the company, in some way synthesizing 3D position data by comparing the 2D frames generated by the two cameras.[29][30] In a 2013 study, the overall average accuracy of the controller was shown to be 0.7 millimeters.[31] 

How Does the Leap Motion Controller Work?

From the earliest hardware prototypes to the latest tracking software, the Leap Motion platform has come a long way. We’ve gotten lots of questions about how our technology works, so today we’re taking a look at how raw sensor data is translated into useful information that developers can use in their applications.

From a hardware perspective, the Leap Motion Controller is actually quite simple. The heart of the device consists of two cameras and three infrared LEDs. These track infrared light with a wavelength of 850 nanometers, which is outside the visible light spectrum.

Unity Game Engine

Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies, first announced and released in June 2005 at Apple Inc.'s Worldwide Developers Conference as a Mac OS X-exclusive game engine. As of 2018, the engine had been extended to support more than 25 platforms. The engine can be used to create three-dimensional, two-dimensional, virtual reality, and augmented reality games, as well as simulations and other experiences. The engine has been adopted by industries outside video gaming, such as film, automotive, architecture, engineering and construction.

Unity is a cross-platform engine. The Unity editor is supported on Windows and macOS, with a version of the editor available for the Linux platform, albeit in an experimental stage, while the engine itself currently supports building games for more than 25 different platforms, including mobile, desktop, consoles, and virtual reality.Platforms include iOS,Android,[38] Tizen,[39] Windows,[38] Universal Windows Platform,[40] Mac,[8] Linux,
[41] WebGL,[37] PlayStation 4,[38] PlayStation Vita,[42] Xbox One,[8] 3DS,[43]Oculus Rift,[38] Google Cardboard,[44] Steam VR,[45] PlayStation VR,[46] Gear VR,[37] Windows Mixed Reality,[47] Daydream,[48] Android TV,[49] Samsung Smart TV,[50] tvOS,[51] Nintendo Switch,[38] Fire OS,[49] Facebook Gameroom,[48] Apple's ARKit,[52] Google's ARCore,[53] Vuforia,[53] and Magic Leap.[54]


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