Creative Experiment #3

3.3           Interaction with AR Object using Leap Motion

For this experiment, Leap Motion sensor is used with an older version of Unity 5.51f1 along with LeapMotion_CoreAssets_4.1.6 and Interaction_Engine_0.3.1.

Open a new project on Unity 5.5,
Step 1: Import the Packages “LeapMotion_CoreAssets_4.1.6” and “Interaction_Engine_0.3.1” into the project file.

Step 2: Find the “Leap_Hands_Demo_Desktop” scene under Leap Motion > Examples > Scenes and open the scene.

Step 3: Create a 3D object Plane and position it (0, 0, 0) on (x, y, z) axes.

Step 4: Create a two 3D Object Cube and scale it appropriately and place it on the plane.

Step 5: Create Materials to differentiate the colors of the cube from each other and assign them accordingly. Also Click on Add component to add the Rigid Body script to each of them individually.

Step 6: Find the “InteractionManager” Prefab and drag it onto the main hierarchy.

Step 7:  Expand the Hand Models under Camera > Leap Motion Controller > Hand Models replace the default L and R hands with the prefabs from the Leap Motion Core Assets Package. They are labelled “BrushHand_L” and BrushHand_R” respectively.

Step 8: Select “Leap Hand Controller” and under the Inspector box to find the “Hand Pool Script” and change the settings to this.

Step 9: Search for the “Interaction Behavioural Script” from the Core assets package drag it to the Cubes individually so they can be made interactive using leap motion interaction manager.

Result:  This experiment was successful. The objects are graspable using leap motion and can be thrown and can be interacted with.


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