Final Presentation Summary

Final Presentation Research and Development part - 2

In the PPT I talked about,

  • Project Concept
  • Target Audience
  • Value of Research
  • Technology
  • Research and Testing
  • Implementation
  • Project Schedule

Project concept

People are being tied to their phone and social media. Though internet has promised us lots of opportunities, people are getting more dissociative instead of being connected. Relationships have become obsolete as more options to meet people have opened. It’s become a necessary evil in a way. Relationships are not considered as important as it used to be. People seem to be more anxious due to problems risen from relationships. Human interaction and communication have become a scarce phenomenon. The objective of the research will remain unchanged and more options will be explored to understand and help people with relationship and interaction issues.

Target Audience

This project is mainly focused or targeted towards teenagers and young adults of the age group 18 -34. The ideal focus is to bring the loved ones and their families closer and indulge n team bonding and improve cooperation all the while improving their behavioral interaction.

Value of Research

This research will provide necessary means and effective ways to go about Human Relationship and Interactions. How to help people deal with them, with creative solutions and to raise awareness about it.

Technology used

  • Leap Motion Sensor for controls
  • VR Headset for viewing
  • Unity Engine for Development and production

Research and Testing

  • Research focusing on creative and interactive that brings people together
  • Inspiration was taken from the game “Keep talking and nobody explodes” which is a puzzle based game.
  • The game uses Virtual Reality, Motion Sensors and Co-op experience with a unique interface.
  • Testing was done with software such as Unity. Tech like VR,AR, and Leap Motion.

Project Schedule


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