Challenges and Short comings

                Creative Experiment # 1

Though this experiment was a success it wasn’t a total success. Since an android device was not available at the time of experimentation an android phone was purchased for the sole purpose of conducting the experiment. The android purchased was a “Xiaomi Redmi 5”. Shortly after importing the “ARObject.apk” build into the phone, compatibility issues were observed. It was later discovered that Vuforia doesn’t support all android platform and provides a list of platforms that it does support.
( It was quite unfortunate to see a purchased phone go to waste.

However, an alternate solution was found. The application was run through Android Studio 3.3 using the AVD Manager. A Virtual Nexus 5X device was created for the sole purpose of running the exported Package. Though the file was able to run on Nexus the experiment was faced with another wall. Virtual Devices do not have a real time Camera. This caused the experiment to end with no alternatives.

Creative Experiment #2 

This experiment was straightforward. No challenges were initially faced during the experimenting stages. Some compatibility issues but it worked out well in the end.

Creative Experiment #3

Many challenges were faced during this experiment. Out of the three experiments the third one was undoubtedly the most difficult to run. Three different versions of unity were downloaded to find the compatibility issues. This seems to be a recurring problem with Unity. It was essential to download an older version of Unity 5.51f1 to run the above experiments. The tutorials found on YouTube to perform this experiment were inconsistent and each of them contracted addicted with approach taken.


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